Percy Eugene Foreman
2011 Inductee
Foreman DeGuerin & DeGuerin
2011 Inductee
Foreman DeGuerin & DeGuerin
“There is no better trial lawyer
in the U.S. than me.”
in the U.S. than me.”
Percy Eugene Foreman was one of the most well-known and successful defense attorneys of his time, defending more than 1,500 death penalty cases and only losing 53. Of those 53, only one man was ever executed. Foreman understood that legal knowledge was the most important tool in the courtroom, but showmanship was a close second. He would often dress in an over-the-top manner complete with plaid jacket and bow tie, a trick that allowed him to stand out from everyone else in the room. In one of his most high-profile cases, he defended James Earl Ray, the assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On Foreman’s advice, Ray decided to plead guilty, thus avoiding an inevitable state execution.