Louis Nizer
Phillips Nizer
Louis Nizer was described by The New York Times as the “lawyer to the famous.” His primary focus was in the areas of contract law, libel, copyright, divorce, plagiarism, and antitrust, areas that came in handy when representing Hollywood elite. His most notable clients included Johnny Carson, Charlie Chaplin, Salvador Dali, Eddie Fisher, Alan Jay Lerner, and Mae West. A skilled orator with a knack for theatrics, he once wrote what he called “A Lawyer’s Prayer,” which began: “I would pray, O Lord, never to diminish my passion for a client’s cause, for from it springs the flame which leaps across the jury box and sets fire to the conviction of the jurors.” His colleagues recalled that he was one of the hardest workers they had every known, and he was in his office almost every day until a few days before his death in 1994.